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Gelang Merah Untuk Anak Indonesia

6 Payment Offers That Sell Like Crazy

by: Ken Troyer

The way you structure your payment offers can increase your sales. I'm not talking about the way people pay like credit cards, digital payments, checks, and cash options. What I'm taking about is can your customers try before they buy, pay later, make payments, do they get a rebate, etc. Below are six payment offers that will sell like your products or services like crazy:

1. Sample It
Offer your customers a free sample or short version of your product or service. Your sample should give them only a few benefits of the full version. This will entice them to purchase the full version to get the total benefits.

2. Name Your Price
Offer customers a choice of want they can pay for your product or service. List your original product and price then add another product with it for a little higher price. Your orders will increase buy letting the customers choose their price.

3. Free To Try
Offer your customers a free trial of your product or service. You could offer the free trial for 5 to 30 days. This is showing them that you have confidence in your product or service and it will sell itself.

4. Give A Little Back
Offer your customers a cash back rebate after they buy your product or service. I feel a good rebate would be a least 10% of their purchase price or higher. This will increase your sales and, like most of us, they will forget to turn in the rebate.

5. Pay Later
Offer your customers the choice of being billed later for their purchase. Bill them in a few weeks or a month. This will stop you from losing customers who can't afford to purchase your product or service at that time.

6. Little At A Time
Offer your customers the option of paying you a little at a time for your product or service. You could divide up the purchase price into bi-weekly or monthly payments. You won't lose customers that may not be able to pay the full amount at that time.

Quote of the Day:
"A man cannot be said to succeed in this life who does not satisfy one friend." -- Henry David Thoreau

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